"….He has not placed any Hardship upon you in Religion…" [TM Qur'an  22:78]

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Al-Ahkam al-Sultaniyya w'al- Wilayat al-Diniyya
The Ordinance of  Governance.
-translated by Professor Wafaa H Wahba
Paperback  Page -translated by Professor Wafaa H Wahba
Paperback  Pages: 302  
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A Madinan View on the Sunnah
 courtesy, wisdom, battles and history
Transated by Abdassamad Clarke
Taken from Kitab al-Jami 
by: Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani 
208 Pages Paperback A5 ISBN 1 897940 84 x £4.95

On the Sunnah, courtesy, wisdom, battles and history. Contains rulings on a wide range of subjects, with reference to the practice of the people of Madina.
Read Excerpt of Chapter 4 
Short Biography of Ibn Abi Zayd al-Qayrawani 

In Pursuit of Virtue
Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi
- translated by Dr. M. Abu Laylah
214 pages Paperback A5 ISBN 090746176X 
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A study of the main elements in the moral theology and psychology of the renowned Andalusian scholar Ibn Hazm al-Andalusi,   

The Best Divisions for Knowledge of the Regions
Ahsan Al-Taqasim Fi Ma'rifat Al-Aqalim
Translated by Professor Basil Collins
Reviewed by Dr. Muhammad Hamid Alta'i
Paperback 498 Pages 
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A Guide to Conclusive Proofs for the Principles of Belief
Kitab al-irshad ila qawati al-adilla fi usul ati tiqad
Iman al-Haramayn al-Juywani
Translator, Paul E. Walker2001 • 288 pages • 240 x 168 mm • Paper £15.00 • ISBN 1 85964 1571

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The Seventy-Seven Branches of Faith
by Imam Al-Bayhaqi
Translated by :Abdal Hakim Murad
Pages: 65 Binding: Paperback


Trials and Tribulations Wisdom & Benefit
By al Imam al-'Izz bin 'Abdi-s-Salam (d660H)
With An Appendix from the work of Al-Hafiz ibn al-Qayyim
Translator: Abu Rumaysah
ISBN: 1-904336-11-6 Pages: 64 Binding: Paper Back
Dar us-Sunnah Publishers UK

People often see, and hear of, the believers being afflicted with adversity and tribulations, and conversely they often see, and hear of, the disbelievers attaining leadership and wealth in this world.  This leads them to believe that well-being in this world is only reserved for the disbelievers and only a fraction of it is given to the believers; and also to believe that nobility and might is for the disbelievers in this world and for the believers in the Hereafter.