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Excerpt From:`

The Duties of Brotherhood in Islam
Translated from the Ihya' of Imam al-Ghazali
  by Muhtar Hollannd  Paper Back   95 pages
Published by The Islamic Foundation UK
Ref:12m Price: £3.95

From Chapter 2 -  Page 30

The second Duty is to render personal aid in the satisfaction of needs, attending to them without waiting to be asked, and giving them priority over private needs.

Here too there are different degrees, as in case of material support.

The Lowest Degree consists in attending to the need when asked and when in plenty, though with joy and cheerfulness, showing pleasure and gratitude.

Someone Said:
    - If you ask your brother to satisfy a need, and he does not do so, then remind him, for he may have forgotten. If he still does not do it, pronounce 'Allahu akbar!' over him and recite this verse ' As for the dead, God will raise them up' (Quran 6.36)

Ibn Shubruma once satisfied a great need for one of his brothers, who later brought him a present.
    -what is  this? asked Ibn Shubruma
    - For the favour you did me.
    - Keep it and may God preserve you! If you ask your brother for something you need and he does not exert himself to satisfy your need, then wash for prayers, pronounce four takbir and  count him among the dead.

Ja'far ibn Muhammad said:
    - I make haste to satisfy the needs of my enemies, lest I reject them and they do without me.

If this be the attitude towards enemies, how then towards friends?




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