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THE HIDAYA By  Marghinani Tr. C Hamiliton Revised 2005 By Z Baitner 

By Sheikh Burhanuddin Abi Al Hasan Ali  Marghinani
Translated by Charles Hamilton
Complete Revised and Edited by Z Baintner
2 Hard Back Volumes  838 + 737  Pages 
Published in Pakistan


The Hidaya or Guide.  A commentary on the Mussulman laws. Tanslation by Charles Hamilton  first made in the 1780s (dedicated 'to Warren Hastings, Esq., late Governor-General of Bengal').
As Charles Hamilton was not a Muslim the translation was lacking in many ways , The current Publications has been revised and Edited by a Muslim Z Baitner  in 2005 with the aim of removing many of the above mentioned weaknesses.

The Publication by Darul Ishaat , Pakistan brings out a much improved Print quality than the previous available unedited translations

Abu al Hasan Burhan al Din 'Ali b. Abi Bakr b. 'Abd al Jalal al-Farghani, al Marghinani, the great Hanafi jurist, was born at Marghian in the vicinity of Farghana in 530 A.H. (1135 A.H.). He died in 593 A.H. (1197 A.D.).

The Importance of this Book can not be exaggerated, it was and still is referred to in all Courts in Muslim India. It is also studied in most Hanafi based Dar-ul-Ulums and Islamic Universities.

Unfortunately it does not deal with Salah, Fasting and Ibadah issues in general as Charles Hamilton was  mainly concerned with Laws such, Zakat,  Marriage, Divorce, Sales and other transaction.

We recommended  The Following which covers the  essentials  of a Muslims Daily life according to the Hanafi Fiqh

 Qadi Thana Ullah Panipati   Essential Islamic Knowledge: Published by UKIA  or
 The Essential Hanafi Hand book of Fiqh (An Earlier Translation)
 Maulana (Other)   Heavenly Ornaments (Bahisti Zewar)[Revised English] Thanwi 
 Imam At-Tahawi   Islamic Belief (Al-Aqidah at-Tahawiah) (Arabic Text & English Tr 
Other Classical   THE MUWATTA of IMAM MUHAMMAD [Ash-Shaybani, ibn al-Hasan] 
Maulana (Other)   Taleemul Haq:A Compilation on the Five Fundamentals of Islam HB 

You may also check the selection of our Hanafi Section: Hanafi 


The Durr-Ul- Mukhtar 
Muhammad Ala-ud-din Haskafi
Being the Commentary of 
The Tanvirul Absar
of Muhammad Bin  Abdullah Tamartashi
English Translation with Arabic Text
English Translation by B.M Dayal 
Footnotes from Raddul Muhtar (The Well known commentary on the Durr-ul-Mukhtar by Ibn-i-Abidin)
Hardback, Circa 470 Pages 
Published in India/ Pakistan 

The Darr-Ul- Mukhtar  was written by  Sheikh Muhammad Ala-ud-din Haskafi in 1070 Hijri  who had been a Mufti of Damascus for a Long Time as  a  Commentary of  The Tanvirul Absar of Muhammad Bin  Abdullah Tamartashi.

This Translation was undertaken by  BM Dayal an advocate of great fame for his learning of Islamic literature during British India in the early 1900's , BM Dayal was also a student of  Maulana Sheikh Naeim. and Maulana Muhammad Akram whose son Maulana Abus Salam Muhammad Aslam of Farangi Mahal, Laucknow had been of great assistance during the translation.

This work has rendered into English such Portions of the Durrul Mukhtar as are appropriate to the followers of the  Hanafi Madhab,  The footnotes by way of annotations have invariably been taken from the  Raddul Muhtar , the well known commentary on the Durr-ul-Mukhtar by The  Eminent Jurist of Syria Ibn-i-Abidin.

The Areas Covered:
Kitab-ul-Hiba (Gift)
Kitab-Ush-Shufaa (Pre-Emptioon)
Kitab ul-Wsaya

This is a great treasure book of Fiqh it includes the  Arabic Text with a good  translation,  however the quality of the  Print does not do justice to this excellent work Originally  Published in 1913.

Imported Book and  Old Print so it may be slightly bruised





Translated by Charles Hamilton
Hard Back 783 Pages Printed in India

The Importance of this Book can not be exaggerated, it was and still is  referred to in all  Courts in Muslim India. It is also studied in most Hanafi based Dar-ul-Ulums and Islamic Universities. 

Despite the fact that the English translation was commissioned by the British Governor General of Bengal and translated by a non Muslim. It is nevertheless Published by Muslim Printers who believe that the Translation has done justice to this Monumental Work.
Unfortunately it does not deal with Salah, Fasting and Ibadah issues in general as it is mainly concerned with Laws such, Zakat,  Marriage, Divorce, Sales and other transaction.

One The Following two Is highly recommended as a Supplement to the above because the essentials  for a Muslims Daily life has not been translated by Charles Hamilton

The Essential Hanafi Hand book of Fiqh
A Translation of Qazi Thanna Ullah's
by: Maulana Yusuf Talal Ali Al-Amriki
Hard Back 190 Pages Printed in India

This is a different translation of the  MALA BUDDA MINHU  (Printed in India) , however it does not cover the Hajj aspects for some reason)

The translation of this book was undertaken specifically with a view towards providing the English Speaking Muslims who possesses a knowledge of at least the fundamentals of Fiqh and Shariat with a reliable and authentic text book of standard Hanafi Fiqh for use in the classroom, home or Masjid (Taken from the translators Introduction)

Al-Aqidah at-Tahawiah.
Islamic Belief,
By Imam Abu Ja'far At-Tahawi.
Translated by UK Islamic Academy
Paperback. 40 Pages

Imam Tahawi's al-Aqidah, representative of the viewpoint of ahl-al-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, has long been the most widely acclaimed, and indeed indispensable, reference-work on Muslim beliefs. Being a text on Islamic doctrines, this work draws heavily on arguments set forth in the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah. Likewise, the arguments advanced in refuting the views of sects that have deviated from the Sunnah are also taken from the Holy Qur'an and Sunnah.
As regards the sects mentioned in this work, a study of Islamic history up to the time of Imam Tahawi would be helpful. Moreover, it contains references to views of the Shi'ah, Khawarij and such mystics that had departed from the right path. There is an explicit reference in the work to the non-sensical controversy on khalq-al- Qur'an in the times of Ma'mun and some other 'Abbasid Caliphs. While the permanent relevance of the statements of belief in al-Aqidah is obvious, the historical weight of these statements can only be properly appreciated if the work is used as a study text under the guidance of some learned person able to highlight its arguments fully. Such a study will help one understand Islamic doctrines better and avoid deviations.

Imam Abu Hanifah
Life and Works
 English translation of 
Allamah Shibli Nu'mani's "Sitat-i-Nu'man" by M Hadi Hussein
Paper Back   248 Pages 

Allamah Shibli Nomani was a renowned Scholar and Historian and this Biography is well researched and Composed from authentic sources.
This book will show the qualities of a true Scholar one who understands Reality and deal with it  rather than shun from it and seclude oneself from Society.
Imam Abu Hanifah is  a True example to Scholars all over the World.
True spirit of  Brotherhood, Solidarity and Mutual Respect between different Opinions.
Something that is missing in today's world
They Spoke the Truth  regardless of the consequences, in fact the majority of these learned men spent a great deal of Time in Jails as will be seen from this Biography as well as the Short Biographies featured on This site.

Tahdhib al Akhlaq
A Hadith Guide for Personal and Social Conduct.
By Sayyed Abdul-Hayy al Hasani (1286 -1342 AH /1861-1923 CE)
Paperback. pp184

The Book Of Tahara Based on Allamah Shurunbulali's  Nurul Idhah


The Book Of Tahara
Based on Allamah Shurunbulali's Classical Hanafi  Fiqh Manual, Nurul Idhah
Translation and Commentary  by Zahir Mahmood
Paperback 74 PAges
Published  by Inter-Islam Publishers UK 
Edited By Hafiz Mohammad Nawaz Daud

For generations Nurul Idhah has been one of the most widely taught texts used to transmit Hanafi Fiqh in Many Hanafi Educational Institutions.

The acceptance of obligatory worship -salah- must be preceded by performing ritual purity (taharah) and it must be preceded by having prior knowledge of its ritual elements.
The objective of this study is to equip the worshipper precisely with this knowledge which includes types of water, wudu, purificatory bath and tayammum to mention but a few. In order to facilitate a lucid but yet comprehensive study of the subject, learning diagrams, charts and illustrations have been incorporated.
For those who perform their ritual actions without adequately fulfilling the required standard of ritual purity and thereby render their worship incomplete if not unacceptable, have every reason to consult this invaluable study

Abu al-Ikhlas al-Hasan b. Ammar b. Ali  b Yusuf Known as Imam Shurunbalali was born in Shrunbalal in 994 H and began his studies at the prestigious seat of learning  al-Azhar, Caro  Egypt

Zahir Mahmood is a graduate in Hanafi Fiqh from a traditional Darul Uloom based in the UK

Essential Islamic Knowledge 
A translation of MALA BUDDA MINHU 
Formerly Translated as The Essential HANAFI hand book of Fiqh
By Qadi Thana Ullah Panipati (1731-1831 CE)
Translated by Yusuf Talal De Lorenzo (translation from Persian)
Publisher: UK Islamic Academy (2003)
Pages: 272 Binding: Paperback
ISBN: 1872531342

The book gives an explanation on Aqidah, Taharah, Salah, Zakah, Sawm and hajj. In addition, some basic aspects on what is prohibited and disliked, together with some instructions on elements of social conduct.
Hanafi fiqh is followed, however there are occasional references to other school of fiqh.

Description from the Publisher
This book gives a detailed explanation of the creed held by the ahl-as-Sunnah wal-Jama'ah, and goes on to describe the essential features of purification, prayer, poor-dues, fasting, and etc. It deals with issues that should be known by everyone regarding the correct performance of these devotions, which Muslims have little knowledge of.

Additionally, intricate matters such as God-fearing behaviour, social behaviour, one's duties to others, individual and collective dealings, sales and purchases, and more are also addressed, with both their correct and distorted forms highlighted. A section is also devoted to tazkiyah and ihsan, the sincere worship of Allah and attaining to the true spirit of faith.

The main feature of this book is that it deals only with that which is important, with those issues which the average Muslim person faces daily. As such it is an invaluable guide to the basic Islamic tenets for the common Muslim and for young people making their entry into adulthood

Qadi Thana'ullah Panipati (1731-1831 C.E) hails from a family renowned for its piety and learning. He gained his Islamic education and knowledge of the Shari`ah from the great scholars of his time such as Shah Waliyyullah Dehlawi, the great muhaddith and reformer, and he was also the greatest disciple of Mirza Mazhar Jane Janan (the renowned shaikh of the Nagshbandi Sufi order in Muslim India) in his spiritual training and jihad in the way of Allah. His whole life was dedicated to the teaching, interpreting and preserving of the Sunnah of the Prophet . Qadi Thana'ullah was himself a great scholar of the Shari'ah and a saintly man whose piety is reflected in all his writings.
Apart from Mala Budda Minhu - Essential Islamic Knowledge, the Qadi wrote several more books on the subject of fiqh, ranging from a collection of fatawa to a treatise on the elements of jurisprudence. One of his major works is his great and famous exegesis of the Holy Qur'an, written across many volumes and named Tafsir al-Mazhari, after his spiritual Shaikh, Mirza Mazhar Jane Janan.
Reliance of Traveller, Umdat al-salik- The Classic Manual of Fiqh

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